Have you ever had nightmares where you had to present while being unprepared, unstructured, not engaging, or frozen by fear?
My focus on fundamentals paired with a concrete framework gives you a direct edge over 95% of presenters.
You are free to build your own style, keeping authenticity while boosting your presence and impact 10x.

Damien Gauthier taps in his career in acting, facilitating, and leadership to bring you to the next level.
I combine my professional background as an actor, director, and TEDx speaker coach together with my daily work as a facilitator, UX lead, and team manager, to empower you with bulletproof techniques, ready to be used in your next meeting.
My holistic and constructive approach to speaking will help you master the fundamentals before building up highly advanced skills.

Founding principle
As in sport, there is little value of learning advanced techniques without strong fundamentals.
"I've seen my team use the techniques weeks after the course, I am proud of them."
Alexandre J. / Business Unit Manager
“Damien's training is loaded with concrete, easy to learn tools. His benevolence throughout the process builds up our confidence."
Frédéric L. / Senior Project Manager
"I really love how Damien creates a safe space where we can be vulnerable in front of others."
Chrystel M. / Designer
A peek at our introductory workshop
Duration: 3h30 + 30 min break
Max participants: 50
Step 1 / Get ready
- what should be your sole goal as a speaker
- links between speaking and physical presence
- warm-up exercises from a professional actor
- group exercise: how not to fade away when presenting
Step 2 / Tell the story
- the 3 phases of storytelling, including Hollywood's secret sauce
- presenting to the board: introduction to the pyramid and MECE methods
- group exercise on real cases using situation-tension-resolution
Step 3 / Guide the audience
- befriending gestures
- how to punctuate the speech, guiding the audience with gestures, rhythm, and voice
- group practice exercise
- how to start a presentation, how to end it
A peek at our training on
Speaking Fundamentals
Duration: 4 half-days spread on 2 weeks
Max participants: 8
Session 1 / Warming-up and fundamentals
- what should be your sole goal as a speaker
- the theory of conveying a message
- warm-up exercises from a professional actor
- training on physical presence
- group exercise: how not to fade away in front of others
- physical techniques to reduce stage anxiety
Session 2 / Building and telling the story
- how to pitch anything, return on experience
- the 3 phases of discourse, including Hollywood's secret sauce
- presenting to the board: introduction to the pyramid and MECE methods from McKinsey
- group exercise on real cases using situation-tension-resolution
- the 3 act structure and the hero's journey
Session 3 / Guiding the audience
- befriending gestures, voice, and silence
- how to punctuate the speech, guiding the audience with gestures, rhythm, and voice
- group practice exercise
- how to start a presentation, how to end it
- improvise on a bullet point structure
- how to recover when thrown off
Session 4 / Tactical Storytelling
- how to present an example or case study
- the basis of compelling storytelling
- group exercise: build a story
- how to use storytelling, even when presenting to the board
- when to use storytelling, and when not to
- group exercise: application to real cases

Sample of our
Advanced Trainings
Duration: half-day or full day depending on the topic
Max participants: 8
Storytelling and discourse
Slides construction and McKinsey's methods
Specifics of video calls
Stage presence, surrounding space and placement
Non violent communication & feedback culture
Workshop facilitation & control of discussion flows
Workshop creation and planning
Interviewing, observation, and user testing
Startup pitching
Creating stage event: using props and microphones
Possible trainings include amongst others
More on our
individual coachings
Duration: ad hoc, usually per 2 hours sessions
Max participants: 1 or 2, can be extended
I provide customized, specific, individual coaching tailored to your needs and follow you from A to Z.
Services include coaching for inspirational, TED-like talks, from the creation of the structure, review of the draft, coaching for the delivery and last-minute warm-ups.
Do you have a specific presentation, talk, or pitch to prepare?
Do you want to get to the top 1% of presenters?